This week marks the 42nd anniversary of the iconic Stonewall Riots, which mark the symbolic beginning of the LGBT civil rights movement and gave birth to the Pride celebrations that continue today. The years since have seen victories and defeats but the overall trend is beyond question – steadily forward, as New York's recent vote approving marriage equality makes clear. We certainly have lots to celebrate.
We've been in Pride mode all month here at the ACLU/SC, publishing blogs about the history of Pride celebrations, our community's civil rights struggle and the role the ACLU has played in advancing that movement, and highlighting some of our "Local Heroes".
In our continuing effort to achieve full equality for everyone, last week the ACLU/SC proudly announced the launch of a new campaign--The Seth Walsh Students' Rights Project--focused on curbing the bullying that is rampant throughout California's schools.
Named in honor of a 13-year-old who took his own life last year after enduring years of anti-gay bullying, the Seth Walsh Project's primary objective is to change the environment in California schools that breeds and permits unchecked harassment and bullying against LGBT students and others.
Having worked with Seth's mother Wendy for the past year to advocate for legislation to protect LGBTQ students, including a trip to the White House Summit on bullying and a visit to Capitol Hill, I am honored to be directing the Seth Walsh Project. We will investigate reported instances of unaddressed bullying in schools, educate students and parents about the rights of LGBTQ students, and hold school districts and administrators accountable for failing to comply with their legal obligations to protect ALL the students who attend their schools.
The Seth Walsh Project: The Bullying Stops Here!