August 8, 2016
Nowhere to Live

Nowhere to Live: The Homeless Crisis in Orange County & How to End It, a report by the ACLU of Southern California's Dignity For All Project, finds that since the OC Board of Supervisors approved a Ten-Year Plan to eradicate homelessness in 2010, the homeless crisis has grown more acute.

Read the report

On any given night, there are over 4,400 people in the OC sleeping on the streets.

The report found that county officials failed to follow their own blueprint, which recommends helping individuals who are homeless move into "safe and affordable permanent housing as an immediate response to their crisis."

The ACLU SoCal urges county officials to:

  • Develop a plan that increases permanent supportive housing for people who are chronically homeless by 740 beds.
  • Close the county's housing affordability gap to meet the needs of people who are not disabled or experiencing long-term homelessness.
  • Create a dedicated source of funding — such as a housing trust fund to pay for permanent supportive and affordable housing.
  • Take the lead in decriminalizing homelessness by ending county bans on sitting, sleeping or resting in public places and by penalizing cities that enforce such bans.