Thank you to the youth activists who fought for a school environment where school safety means building trust & protecting the dignity of all students rather than criminalizing them.
Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has a policy, BUL 5424.1, of requiring staff at all secondary schools to conduct daily random metal detector searches of students. Under the policy, students are often pulled out of classes while an administrator searches their bodies with a metal detector and rifles through the belongings in their bags, even when there is no indication that they have broken a rule or law. In certain circumstances, teachers are required to stop their classes and pull students out to an adjacent room to personally conduct the searches.
The policy is harmful to school climate, reduces learning time and has the potential to lead to unconstitutional searches. ACLU SoCal, along with United Teachers of Los Angeles, Public Counsel, Community Rights Campaign, Youth Justice Coalition and Street Poets, has been working to scale back or eliminate the random metal detector search policy.
URGE LAUSD to END random searches of students
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