On nearly every front, this has been one of the ACLU of Southern California's most difficult years in our duty to protect civil rights and civil liberties. Our scope of work this year -- from protecting bedrock human rights of detainees here and abroad to guarding First Amendment protections throughout the region -- has required monumental effort and unprecedented levels of action.
We face an administration that has been shameless in its grab for ever-expanding spheres of power regardless of core constitutional rights. But with your help, we have been able to say what many do not want to hear; we have compelled them to listen and we have effected change.
In these pages of the ACLU of Southern California 2005- 2006 Annual Report, we showcase just a fraction of the outstanding work our staff has accomplished under the guidance of our boards of directors. We hope you will share in the pride of these accomplishments. It is because of your direct support and activism that the ACLU/SC has been able to put the principles we share into action, bringing our shared hope for a just nation that much closer to reality.
Tuesday, November 1, 2005 - 3:00pm
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The seeds sown by the Bush administration's unprecedented abuse of power found fertile soil in Southern California, and our staff faced some of the greatest challenges to constitutional rights and civil liberties in the nation: National Security Agency spying, indefinite detention, unfair immigration policies, challenges to abortion rights and threats to religious freedom.
We take great pride in serving this community. We thank you for your support over this past year and look forward to your continued participation in years to come. Only by working together can we remind this nation of its singular promise and the example of freedom it should set for the world.
Wednesday, November 1, 2006 - 2:00pm
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In its waning months, the Bush administration's failed policies and abuses of power have continued unabated, and it's clear that most of the country is ready for change. It could have been discouraging, but as we look back over our work the past year we were struck by the fact that with your help our members and donors we were able to remain an assertive, credible force directly confronting the administration and its agencies. The ACLU was able to fight for change on both a national and local level, demanding a return to the principles of governmental checks and balances and due process upon which this country was founded. Some of those battles resulted in clear victories for the Constitution.
We thank you for all the ways you have supported our efforts to make positive differences this year – tabling at events, making phone calls and sending e-mails to your legislative representatives, educating yourself about the issues and spreading what you’ve learned to your family and friends. Most of all, the ACLU of Southern California appreciates you for remaining vigilant in support of civil rights and civil liberties. We thank you for not remaining silent.
Thursday, November 1, 2007 - 2:00pm
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