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Charlene Nguon was an honor-society candidate and straight-A student on track to attend a competitive four-year college after graduating from high school last June. Instead, her academic plans were derailed when she was singled out and unfairly disciplined by school administrators on her Orange County campus.

Last year, she sued the Garden Grove Unified School District in an effort to stop discrimination and harassment of gay and lesbian students on campus.

"Charlene is the type of child every parent should be proud of," said Christine P. Sun, staff attorney for the ACLU of Southern California, who represented Nguon along with two local law firms. "We've tried to work out this situation with the school district so it's very unfortunate that it has come to this point. Instead of derailing Charlene's academic achievements, school administrators should have done their job to ensure every student thrives regardless of their sexual orientation."

Nguon's academic plans were derailed when school officials began targeting and punishing her and her girlfriend for displaying affection on campus and ultimately forced either Charlene or her girlfriend to transfer schools midway through the second semester of their junior year. Such displays by heterosexual students were common and generally went unpunished.

"I just don't understand why my girlfriend and I were not allowed to be affectionate but other couples are," Nguon said at the time the lawsuit was filed. "Most other students at Santiago are very accepting and tolerant of gay students, but the administration is a different story. We were singled out and disciplined just because we are two girls."

U.S. District Judge James V. Selna is expected to issue a decision in the next several weeks. The lawsuit seeks to create a district wide policy and guidelines to ensure that gay and lesbian students are treated equally.

Nguon is represented by Dan Stormer of Hadsell and Stormer, Jordan Kushner and Shawn McDonald of the law firm Latham and Watkins and Sun of the ACLU/SC.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 12:00am

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December 15, 1791: The freedoms of speech, religion, the press and others included in the Bill of Rights were not part of the original Constitution. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution were proposed in 1789, and added a year and a half later after ratification by the 13 states.

Without a Bill of Rights, Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1789 (via the National Archives), civil rights are "in constant progression from bad to worse."

"The tyranny of the legislatures is the most formidable dread at present, and will be for long years. That of the executive will come in its turn, but it will be at a remote period," Jefferson added.

The Bill of Rights has been the ACLU's blueprint for action since 1920. The ACLU of Southern California became the first affiliate to add an Economic Bill of Rights in 1983, supporting the right to employment and the right to a decent standard of living.

Read the full text of the Bill of Rights.

Document: An 18th-century print of the proposed Bill of Rights originally included 12 articles (two were not ratified). This line is from Article 3, which became the First Amendment, and began: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion...." (Source: National Archives)


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 - 12:00am

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LOS ANGELES - The ACLU of Southern California, civil rights attorney Carol Sobel, and law firm Hadsell & Stormer today asked a court to extend a 2003 agreement that prohibits L.A. police from searching Skid Row residents without prior knowledge they are on parole or reasonable suspicion they have committed a crime or violated parole or probation.

Residents stated that police routinely violate the terms of the agreement, making only cursory inquiries about parole or probation status before detaining and searching people on the street. The ACLU/SC went to court in March 2003 to ensure that those living in the 50-block area of downtown would not face unreasonable searches. The city agreed in December 2003 to limit such searches for three years in a settlement that expires tomorrow.

'Stopping and searching people for no cause is a clear violation of residents' rights,' said ACLU/SC executive director Ramona Ripston. 'Just because someone is living on Skid Row, that does not give police the right to harass them.'

Under state law, police must have prior knowledge a person is on parole before conducting a search. The settlement does not restrict police from doing 'pat-downs' for weapons when they have reasonable suspicion of a specific criminal activity.

'Nowhere else in this city but Skid Row do police search you just for walking on the sidewalk, or routinely stop and ask you if you are on parole,' said Ripston.

Skid Row residents testified the practice is rampant in declarations that accompany the motion to extend the settlement. Many had been accosted multiple times by police.

Cecil Bledsoe, who helps homeless on Skid Row find housing, was walking with a cane early this month when police pulled up and forced him and about five other people against a wall. Only after searching Bledsoe did an officer ask if he had any warrants out for his arrest or was on parole or probation. Bledsoe does not.

Paul Johnson, who is not on parole, was handcuffed and searched after he questioned the police practice of randomly asking about residents' parole status. 'Everybody down here is on probation or parole,' he says officers told him before driving him to a police station. Johnson was released without citation.

Shawn A. Robinson III, who has tuberculosis and AIDS, said two police officers approached him last month and asked him to stand against the wall and put his hands behind his back. 'As I was being handcuffed, they asked me whether I was on probation or parole,' he said.

'This is further evidence that on Skid Row the city treats poverty as a crime,' said attorney Carol Sobel.

'The law is clear about who is subject to search, and police are clearly going outside it,' said attorney Anne Richardson of Hadsell & Stormer.

The court may extend the settlement up to three years if it finds police violated its terms.


Friday, December 8, 2006 - 12:00am

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