The suit, filed in United States District Court in Los Angeles, charges that county personnel -- including administrators and teachers at the Challenger Memorial Youth Center in Lancaster -- have in some instances thrown worksheets under the door of students’ cells in lieu of classroom instruction, denied all education services when children ask for help or to use the restroom, and systematically denied students access to appropriate instruction and the required minimum school day.
The result of a months-long investigation by the legal groups who brought the lawsuit, the complaint details one recent instance of a young man, incarcerated in county probation camps for most of his high school years, who was awarded a high school diploma despite being unable to read or write. It also alleges that administrators and teachers directed students to leave classrooms to perform tasks such as painting buildings and removing weeds, while billing the state for instructional days as if these students were in class.
The Challenger center consists of six camps and a single school that serves about 650 students. It has been the target of a Department of Justice investigation over mistreatment and poor supervision of students, and was cited as having a “broken” school system in a 2009 Los Angeles County Probation Commission report. The lawsuit filed today goes beyond these findings and reveals startling new details about how county agencies and officials have abdicated their core responsibility of providing education to youths forced to attend school at Challenger.
Named as defendants in the lawsuit are the Los Angeles County Probation Department, the superintendent of the county’s Office of Education, the director of that agency’s juvenile court schools, and Challenger’s current principal. Counsel in the lawsuit are Public Counsel, the Disability Rights Legal Center, the ACLU’s national office and the ACLU of Southern California.
Mark Rosenbaum, chief counsel for the ACLU/SC, said “the conscience-shocking practices at Challenger are among the most egregious failures to deliver education and rehabilitative services to incarcerated youth ever documented in the nation, turning out juveniles who are functionally illiterate, unable to fill out job applications or medical forms, read menus or newspapers or vote in elections. The lives of these young people matter, yet the county is releasing them in conditions which all but assure their failure to meaningfully reintegrate, having been denied even a semblance of an education for years upon years. This is a system out of control, with no accountability and no concern for the children under its charge.’’
All three of the plaintiffs named in the lawsuit, like many other students at Challenger, experienced unlawful removals that prevented them from attending class numerous times. Challenger school staff refused to allow these decisions to be questioned or appealed, depriving the students of their due-process rights as well as the opportunity to learn.
“The students at Challenger deserve, and are legally entitled to, an education,” said Laura Faer, director of the Children’s Rights Project at Public Counsel Law Center. “What they get instead is abuse, retaliation and needless punishment. These actions are the hallmarks of an institution that consigns children to a life in the criminal justice system, which is exactly the opposite of what it’s supposed to do. This is the moral equivalent of placing a child in handcuffs and throwing away the key.”
“Put simply, the youth at Challenger are not being given a chance,” added Shawna Parks, legal director of the Disability Rights Legal Center. “It is time to stop these children from being treated like they are throw-away kids. The agencies we have sued today have both a moral and legal obligation to change their practices, and this is their opportunity to do it."
Among other things, the lawsuit seeks to compel the county to provide intensive reading and writing services to current, former and future students at Challenger who were or are unable to read or write fluently; and to prevent county officials from excluding students from classrooms without providing them with notice and an opportunity to challenge the basis for their removal.
"The failure to provide an adequate education to detained youth, many of whom are youth of color, only sets them up for failure and increases the odds that they will remain trapped in the school-to-prison pipeline for life," said Catherine Kim, staff attorney with the ACLU Racial Justice Program. "We have a particular responsibility to ensure that our most vulnerable children be rehabilitated and prepared to successfully reintegrate into mainstream society.”
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 - 12:00amShow featured image
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LOS ANGELES, Calif. – The ACLU of Southern California welcomes the civil rights probe being conducted by the Department of Justice into the polices and practices of the Inglewood Police Department in the wake of a series of officer-involved shootings, and we applaud U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters for calling for an investigation. Use of force by law enforcement has been a persistent problem in Inglewood and has sparked well-founded community outrage. We agree that reforms are necessary and call for an overhaul of the Inglewood civilian review board.
The following statement can be attributed to Peter Bibring, staff attorney at the ACLU of Southern California:
“The Department of Justice now acknowledges what the community has long known: the Inglewood Police Department suffers from deep-seated and structural flaws. Its standards for use of force do not meet legal requirements, its systems for reporting and reviewing uses of force are inadequate, supervisors lack control over officers, and the process for receiving and evaluating civilian complaints is erratic. The result is a broken system that fails the residents of Inglewood and costs lives.
“The situation has spun out of control precisely because there is no system in place that holds either officers or supervisors accountable. The current Inglewood Citizen Police Oversight Commission lacks both sufficient authority and resources to meaningfully hold officers responsible for their behavior.
“To root out the systemic problems pointed out by the Department of Justice, Inglewood must embrace the changes the federal agency rightly calls for. But, to ensure accountability, it must also put in place an independent review board, one that has the powers necessary to fully investigate police misconduct, one that can initiate its own investigations and policy reviews, and one whose funding is free from the winds of city politics.
“Only when every Inglewood police officer, from rookie to chief, is held accountable by an independent oversight body, will the city be able to fix its police department’s flaws.”
Monday, January 11, 2010 - 12:00amShow featured image
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