Bato Talamantez Urges Support for SHU Reform. Via San Francisco Bay View.

On July 26, ACLU/SC Executive Director Hector Villagra joined "Which Way, LA?" to discuss the destructive effects of the Secure Housing Units on public safety.

"Imagine how bad conditions have to be there that people would risk starving themselves to death. I could cite to you any number of studies showing the negative effects of prolonged isolation but I think there's just one simple fact that will show you how desperate these inmates are. In 2005, here in California, inmates in solitary confinement were only 5% of the total prison population, but they were 70% of the suicides among the prison population. That is people who are incredibly desperate, and for whom life has become intolerable."

Via KCRW's "Which Way, LA?"

Full Transcript:

Warren Olney, KCRW: "Also with us is Hector Villagra, who is Executive Director of the ACLU of Southern California. Thank you for being on our program."

Hector Villagra: "Thank you, Warren."

KCRW: "How concerned are you about the conditions I just discussed with Scott Kernan?"

Hector Villagra: "We are very concerned. Imagine how bad conditions have to be there, that people would risk starving themselves to death. I could cite to you any number of studies showing the negative effects of prolonged isolation but I think there's just one simple fact that will show you how desperate these inmates are: In 2005, here in California, inmates in solitary confinement were only 5% of the total prison population, but they were 70% of the suicides in the state that year among the prison population. That is people who are incredibly desperate, and for whom life has become intolerable. And it’s because of their prolonged confinement and they're being cut off from all human interaction."

KCRW: "What about what Scott Kernan said about the misery that they have caused to other people, as what he describes as 'the most dangerous criminals in California?'"

Hector Villagra: "There's no question that we have forms of punishment that we mete out against people who deserve them, on the basis of their criminal actions. But there are lines that we have drawn as a society and our constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment. So it’s not enough to say 'they are the worst of the worst' and act as if there were no bounds of decency with respect to how we treat them."

KCRW: "Do you agree with Nancy Kincaid that the health situation in the prisons has improved?"

Hector Villagra: "You know, I don’t know enough about that to say. I do know that the crush of overcrowding makes it difficult for inmates to receive medical care on a timely basis in many instances. I’d be surprised if substantial change has occurred in the time that the receiver has been in effect, but I have no doubt that some change has occurred."

KCRW: "And Miss Kincaid, back to you. You said that the health conditions have improved -- does that mean that prisons are less crowded or is that a health issue?"

Nancy Kincaid, California Prison Health Services: "No, the overcrowding does continue to be an issue. The receiver would tell you that the one thing that it is keeping us from achieving the absolute that the court is requiring is overcrowding. But on our website, and the OIG website, there are public reports that show the substantial improvement that has been made in every one of the prisons.

Do we still have work to be done? Yes. Once the construction that has been authorized by the legislature is funded and we're able to move forward on what will give us the capacity, we will be able to finish the last of the work that needs to be done regarding medical care."

KCRW: "Hector Villagra, with the ACLU, do you think that will also ease the situation at Pelican Bay, or is it going to be policy for the state of California to have this single cell treatment that you say is so damaging to people?"

Hector Villagra: "More needs to be done to address this issue. We have to revisit whether it is in the interest of the public to be treating inmates this way. Because even though these may be 'the worst of the worst', we have to recognized that the great majority of these men will be released into the community at some point in time.

And what we know is that breaking them off from all social interaction, and sort of breaking their minds down, leaves them incapable of reintegrating back into society and makes them more likely to recidivate. So we have to be very careful that it might be nice to mete out vengeance against these worst of the worst, but we may be paying the price in the long run with higher crime rates."

KCRW: "They're not all serving life terms."

Hector Villagra: "That's right. That's right. I think I've seen studies that suggest that 95% of the inmates at the SHU in Pelican Bay will be released at some point in time and some, in fact, are actually released directly from solitary confinement into the community. They're completely unprepared to reintegrate into society."

KCRW: "Ok, I'm sorry Scott Kernan didn't want to talk with us. We'd like to be able to raise that issue with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. We'd like to make an effort to do that on a future program. In the meantime, thanks to you all for being with us. Once again, Hector Villagra, Executive Director of the ACLU Southern California. Nancy Kincaid, Director of Communications for the California Prison Health Services. And our earlier guest Scott Kernan with the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. We'll be right back with Which Way, LA?"


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 - 9:30am

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This is the last in a series of posts written by our summer LGBT Project legal interns. The other posts are "LGBT Human Rights Gone Global", “The Roots of Homophobia“, and “Calling It ‘Marriage’ Isn’t the End of the Story."

The first step is admitting we have a problem. And we do: students that stand by and allow bullying to occur, as well as teachers that either don’t know how to -- or choose not to -- respond to anti-LGBT bullying. Most LGBT students say they’ve experienced bullying behavior in school, but don’t report it. We have to change the widespread attitude that “bullying is just part of growing up”.

As an ACLU/SC intern, I get to help figure out how schools can improve. A recent study by the National Education Association (NEA), Findings from the National Education Associations’ Nationwide Study of Bullying (.pdf), shows that teachers and school staff are not receiving the training necessary to implement anti-bullying policies effectively. Although a majority of teachers and staff report the existence of an anti-bullying policy at their school, about half of all teachers and staff reported received no training on that policy. Both groups also reported feeling most uncomfortable intervening in bullying when the bullying is based on sexual orientation or gender issues. How can we expect teachers and staff to respond appropriately to incidences of bullying unless we teach them how to do it?

Providing this essential training signals to students, parents, and citizens that schools take bullying seriously. The NEA study shows that campus culture really matters: when teachers and staff know that their schools take bullying seriously, and that other school employees would step in if they observed bullying, they are more likely to intervene or respond to reports of bullying. When teachers and staff set a tone on campus that bullying is not tolerated, the climate will improve for all students, especially LGBT students.
Schools cannot post an anti-bullying policy in the main office and call it quits. They have to provide adequate, comprehensive training, specifically addressing bullying related to sexual orientation. Once schools train teachers and staff on how to address bullying - including how to do so while effectively protecting students’ free speech rights - the campus climate should begin to change dramatically. With well- trained teachers and staff leading the way, we can transform hostile school environments into engaged school communities.

Kelsey Williams is a rising 2L at Loyola Law School Los Angeles and a summer legal intern at the LGBT Project of the ACLU of Southern California. This fall, she will join the staff of the Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review and serve as a vice-chair of Loyola’s ACLU chapter.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011 - 8:00am

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ACLU/SC Executive Director Hector Villagra delivered the following remarks at a press conference at the KRST Unity Center in South Los Angeles.

It has been said that to measure the degree of civilization in a society, you must enter its prisons. If you enter our prisons, you will see evidence of a barbarous and savage society, one where torture is apparently not only legal but commonplace.

The ACLU of Southern California joins its allies today to support the striking prisoners’ demands to end cruel and inhumane conditions in the Security Housing Unit at Pelican Bay State Prison and at other prisons across the state and country. Today, 44 states and the federal government have built so-called "supermax" prisons similar to Pelican Bay -- housing at least 25,000 people nationwide.

At these institutions, prisoners face solitary confinement in small, often windowless concrete or metal boxes. They remain confined there up to 24 hours a day. They have little human contact or interaction. There are severe restraints on visitation, and they are restricted from group activities, like eating or exercising with others. They are often denied reading material, radios, or other property.

In California prisons, time in solitary confinement can drag on years or even decades. Such prolonged isolation crushes the mind and kills the spirit. We call it torture when it is done to prisoners of war. In fact, prisoners of war say that prolonged isolation is as bad, if not worse, than any physical abuse, and it may lead more directly to permanent psychological damage.

According to one study conducted at Pelican Bay itself – prisoners subjected to months or years of complete isolation lose the ability to initiate behavior of any kind. In the most extreme cases, they literally stop behaving at all – they become catatonic.

But solitary confinement isn’t just a brutal policy; it is a policy that ultimately puts public safety at risk. That’s because prisoners subjected to extreme isolation cannot properly reintegrate into society and are more likely to commit crimes in the future. An alarming number of prisoners are released directly from secure housing units into the community.

It’s time for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to correct itself – to implement policies that enhance safety both inside and outside prison walls.

We call on the state to bring the hunger strike to a swift and peaceful conclusion.

We call on Governor Brown and CDCR Secretary, Matthew Cate, to significantly curtail the use of the SHU at Pelican Bay and other California prisons.

We call on them to provide all prisoners confined to the SHU items, services, and programs necessary for psychological and physical well-being including warm clothing, out-of-cell time, and participation in rehabilitative programs.


Friday, July 22, 2011 - 12:00am

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