With deportation arrests soaring and the mandate that everyone is a target, Customs and Border Protection (CBP)’s enforcement actions have expanded inland and are increasing in intensity. Greyhound passengers in Vermont, California, Washington, Arizona, and Michigan (and more) have all reported CBP boardings. Unfortunately for the passengers, Greyhound has been complicit, electing to give CBP access to their buses and enabling the agents to harass and violate the constitutional rights of travelers. Greyhound, and other transit companies including ones the ACLU has also spotlighted, has the power to protect its customers from discrimination and suspicionless interrogations. Unfortunately, after months of private discussions, Greyhound has failed to improve the situation for its passengers. The company’s inaction means that its customers continue to be unconstitutionally harassed and profiled based on how they look or speak while riding Greyhound. It is for this reason that the ACLU is hosting a national day of action against Greyhound. Our goal is to highlight the moral crisis of immigration enforcement and call on Greyhound to take a stand and change their policies. Join us in our Los Angeles office for training on this on how you can help protect people’s rights on public transit and make a statement against Greyhound.

Event Date

Sunday, October 14, 2018 - 11:00am to

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