Letters and emails are a very useful advocacy tactic.
Most of time, legislators staff will be the ones who are answering when constituents write. The amount of mail a legislator gets on a certain issue can help determine its importance in their eyes. For example, if a legislator is getting a ton of emails and letters saying "vote NO on this bill," it's bound to make a big impression.
As with any other meeting or communication with your legislator, politeness is key! Be kind, be honest, and share your personal story. Facts are important, but personal and relatable stories can play a powerful role in changing hearts, minds, and votes.
Tips for writing to your legislators:
A well-written, personal letter or email is an invaluable way to make your voice heard.
- Make it short and sweet: If your legislator is receiving a ton of mail about certain hot-button issues, you’ll want to make your point quickly.
- Tell a story: The more personal your letter is, the more compelling it will be to your legislator. Tell your legislator how bills will affect you, your family, or your friends.
- Problem, solution, action: In the letter be sure to include the problem, the solution, and the action you want taken (i.e. “Vote no on AB 123!”).
Make sure you sign up for e-mail action alerts or check out our take action page for sample letters to submit on important bills we are sponsoring.