Did you know that the Los Angeles County Sheriff is an elected official? The sheriff holds a tremendous amount of power with responsibilities such as providing patrol services for 153 incorporated communities and 42 cities; courthouse security for the Superior Court of LA; and housing and transportation of 17,000 people who are incarcerated in its jail system, which is the largest in the country.
We are hosting a community forum so you can better know your sheriff candidates:
Elect Your Sheriff Los Angeles
Saturday, September 15, 10 a.m. - noon
Ward African Methodist Episcopal Church
1177 W 25th St,
Los Angeles, CA 90007
This is a great opportunity for the LA community to come meet and hear from the people running to lead the nation's largest sheriff's department.
The Youth Justice Coalition will be holding a legal clinic to service our reentry community members.
L.A. voters, it is up to YOU to decide who YOU think is the right Sheriff for Los Angeles County. Get ready to go to the polls again in November!
The Elect Your Sheriff LA forum is hosted by the ACLU SoCal, Ward AME Church, LA Progressive, Justice Not Jails, LA Regional Reentry Partnership, Dignity and Power Now, Youth Justice Coalition. .