The #Fight4OurHealth is not over and Congress is attempting to ram through a tax cut bill that will benefit corporations and the wealthy at the expense of all the rest of us. The healthcare and basic human needs services we all rely on are at risk. ACLU SoCal is joining with the LA LGBT Center and allies across the country to put a stop to the #TaxScam bill. The Senate could vote as early as next week.
Join us at an emergency phone bank this Thurs., Nov. 30, from 6-9 p.m. in Downtown Los Angeles.
*** Please bring your laptop/tablet and your phone, plus related chargers. ***
We'll provide food, brief training, and new friends. This is the most effective way we in CA can add value to the nationwide fight! RSVP today!
Questions? Please call Miguel or Clarissa at 213-977-5255 or 213-977-5241.