January 29, 2010

I usually prefer to contact our members and friends in a more personal way, like a phone call or letter. But there is a real urgency in the message I have to send today - a message I hope you will act upon as soon as possible.

With the passage of the Voter's FIRST Act (Proposition 11) in November of 2008, establishing the Citizen's Redistricting Commission, we residents of California now find ourselves in the unique position of taking a lead role in drawing the boundaries for our state Senate, Assembly and Board of Equalization districts. Everyday people from throughout the state, rather than only politicians, will have the power to participate in the redistricting process. But we need everyone's help to make sure the commission designed to redraw districts is truly representative of California's diversity.

We need people willing to stand up for the ideals of justice, and to act as the voice of their communities. I urge you to submit an application to become a member of the commission by the deadline of February 12. Act now to ensure fair representation on the commission and guarantee that your community's voice is heard. Please visit www.WeDrawTheLines.ca.gov for application requirements or more general information about the commission.


Ramona Ripston