The ACLU of Southern California will join dozens of students unjustly barred from participating in their graduation ceremonies in a 'mock' graduation ceremony, Tuesday, June 22, at 1 p.m. Parents, fellow students and teachers are expected to attend.
Last week, the ACLU was contacted by a number of Burbank students who, despite having successfully completed the academic requirements needed to graduate, were denied participation in graduation ceremonies. The ACLU has reviewed the current policy and firmly believes it to be unfair, unjust and misguided. Specifically, the ACLU believes that the attendance requirement "no more than 15 absences, even when excused" and the appeals process should be revised.
On Monday, the ACLU wrote to the Burbank school board demanding the current graduation policy be revised. The ACLU expressed its grave concern that, under the current policy, the Burbank Unified School District might be violating students substantive and procedural due process rights, guaranteed under the United States and the California constitutions.
The ACLU's primary goal is to change this unjust policy, so that future graduating seniors will be able to focus attention on competing their academic work without having to worry about being barred from attending their graduation ceremony should they become ill, suffer a loss in the family, or fulfill their civic duty.