The #Fight4OurHealth is not over. Congress is back in session and a newly-released ACA repeal bill is getting close to having enough votes to pass in the Senate.
Join our Emergency Phone Bank to Save Health Care and stop the Graham-Cassidy bill. This proposal is even worse than previous versions of Trumpcare — it would strip $35 billion per year from California's health system and erase the protections & expansions of the Affordable Care Act.
The most effective way Californians can take action is to activate community members in other target states.
Food, training, and friends to fight-back will be provided. Please bring your laptop/tablet and your phone plus its charger.
Tuesday, September 26, 5-8 p.m.
ACLU SoCal LA office
1313 W 8th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Sign up on People Power
Questions? Call Clarissa or Miguel at 213-977-5241 or 213-977-5255.
We look forward to seeing you there!