San Bernardino has the highest rate of people picked up by ICE in the entire country.
Join the San Bernardino County community in demanding transparency of Sheriff's McMahon's collaboration with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). TRUTH Act Forums are being hosted through out the state to allow space for community to:
- Receive clarity of Sheiff's practices and collaboration with ICE
- Have opportunity to share questions and concerns publicly
The TRUTH Act brings transparency to local jail entanglement with immigration enforcement:
- Provides “Know Your Rights” to Every Individual. The TRUTH Act would require a local law enforcement agency, prior to an interview between ICE and an individual in custody, to provide a written consent form that would explain the purpose of the interview, that it is voluntary, and that the individual may decline the interview. The bill requires the form to be translated in multiple languages.
- Ensures Fair Notice to Every Individual. The TRUTH Act requires that if a local law enforcement agency provides ICE with notification of an individual’s release date and time, then the local law enforcement agency must also provide the same notification to the individual and their attorney or permitted designee.
- Shines a Light and Increases Transparency Around Local Engagement with ICE. The Truth Act requires a local legislative body to hold a community forum annually if local law enforcement allows ICE access to any individual. Additionally, this bill ensures that records related to ICE access are subject to the public records act.
Acompañenos en el condado de San Bernardino, donde la comunidad demandara transparecia en la colaboracion entre el Aguacil McMahon y ICE (la migra). Estos foros comunitarios son coordinados para:
- Recibir claridad en las practicas de los algualcils quienes colaboran con ICE (la migra).
- Tener la oportunidad de compartir preguntas y preocupaciones publicamente