In July 2016, the ACLU of California discovered that 253 charter schools in California have post-enrollment policies or forms online that are clearly illegal or exclusionary. Other schools may also maintain similar prohibited policies that are hidden from the public view. The violations we found include:
- Exclusion Based on Academic Performance
- Discrimination against English Learners
- Pre-Enrollment Essays or Interviews
- Illegal Parent/Guardian Volunteer Requirements
- Requirements that Discourage Undocumented Students
119 charter schools to date have complied and changed their policies. Read our followup brief.
See a map of the schools in violation.
Note: Schools that have amended or clarified their policies to eliminate any exclusionary policies have been stricken off the map. If you would like more information about any of the school policies at issue or if you believe a school was improperly identified, please email Victor Leung at
Does your charter school implement exclusionary policies? File a complaint.
Learn more
- Read the report "Unequal Access"
- File a complaint regarding an exclusionary enrollment policy at a California charter school. Use this form.
- File a complaint regarding an illegal pupil fee. Use this form, and learn more about AB 1575.